Building Loving Movement Culture

Building Loving Movement Culture

Culture is often unspoken and invisible, but we know it when run up against it. In order to grow and sustain our movement for the long haul, we need to support healthy, inclusive, loving movement culture rooted in collective liberation that is both aspirational and relevant to people’s everyday lives and needs.

We need to welcome people from wherever they are on their journey while also clearly and lovingly holding ourselves accountable to our vision of collective liberation and ending oppression. We need people to want to be part of this other world that we are organizing so hard for!

Understand how culture works in your organizing, how you relate to and challenge dominant culture, and share practices and ideas that work to create movement spaces and relationships that are joyful, liberatory, and welcoming.

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more and we can share options based on your location and needs and make a plan that works for you! Most sessions are possible as a stand alone gathering of 1-2 hours, a shorter section on a larger meeting agenda, as a longer workshop or training, or as a web based video conference.