Young Organizer's Alliance
Post date: Mar 30, 2014 9:58:02 PM
(Archived announcement from January 27th, 2010 - for more information click here)
Creating Democracy invites all young organizers to our next movement building conversation:
Building a Young Organizers Alliance
Wednesday, Jan. 27th 7-9pm
AFSCME Council 75
6025 E Burnside Portland, OR
Why a Young Organizers Conversation?
Because we need each other. Though 'Intergenerational' is a buzz word these days, it all to often means people over 40 asking people under 40 to explain 'why don't more young people get involved?' Many organizations are looking at bringing in more young people, or the next generation of folks who will be taking on leadership positions. In addition, there are many of us doing organizing and social justice work outside of a non-profit and care about the direction of movement building work and the direction of progressive organizing in Oregon.
This conversation is dedicated to bringing those who identify as young organizers (and those who want to do organizing or learn more about it) together to look at what kind of movement building is happening, what kind we want to create or build in Oregon, what our roles are and how we want to do this work.
Who is a young organizer?
Whether you do your organizing through non-profits or through a volunteer group, whether you are a student or a paid staff person, whether you are working on immigration or queer rights or food justice or another passion, whether you have been organizing for years or you are just starting to get a taste of it, this conversation is meant to bring us together across experience, style, role and passion for a cross dialogue on the value and possibilities for a young organizers alliance in Oregon.